Sunday, November 4, 2018


Dear Reading Elementary "Rockets" Families & Community Members:

Kudos and heartfelt thanks to:
  • The Ameele Family for donating supplies to the RAP Program.
  • Everyone who has brought their lunch accounts current.
Other Items of Interest:

Highlight on the Handbook - The WCUD Family/Student Handbook is full of important information and all principals will be highlighting information in our communications to families.  The family district handbook can be found on our website and hard copies can be obtained from RES.   The topics covered are being discussed in schools district-wide.

Bus transportation is provided to students attending the WCSU schools, and bus routes will follow the most direct roads to serve our students.  Bus routes will be formulated as needed by the District in conjunction with the transportation contractor.

Students may be required to walk a reasonable distance (up to 1/2 mile) from the school or from an established bus route.  In locations where, in the opinion of the school directors, it is neither feasible nor practical to drive a school bus, families may be required to provide transportation for their child to the nearest established bus route.

Students are expected to maintain school appropriate behavior on school buses to create a climate of safety, respect, and cooperation.  
  • Be seated right away and stay seated until the bus stops at its destination.
  • Sit where the driver tells you to sit.
  • Be respectful to each other and the bus driver
  • Speak nicely to others on the bus using inside voices
  • Keep the aisles of the bus clear (of feet and belongings.)
  • Keep your body in your seat.
  • Obey the bus driver.
  • Keep the bus clean.
  • No skateboards, skis, fishing poles, or sharp objects.  
  • Use the rear door ONLY in cases of emergencies.

Any instance of a child not conducting him/herself properly on the bus is to be brought to the attention of the principal by the bus driver.  Children who have serious disciplinary issues on the bus may have his/her privileges suspended by the principal. In such cases, the family of the child involved becomes responsible for transporting their child to school.

Butler Bus Company Rules
  1. Observe school and classroom conduct
  2. Be courteous: no profane language
  3. No eating or drinking on the bus
  4. Keep the bus clean
  5. Cooperate with the driver
  6. No smoking or vaping
  7. Do not damage or tamper with bus or equipment
  8. Stay in your seat
  9. Keep head, hands & feet inside the bus
  10. No fighting, pushing or shoving
  11. No pets on the bus
  12. No flammable materials on the bus
  13. Provide a signed permission slip to get off at a different bus stop
  14. The driver has the authority to assign seats at any time
  15. Items carried on the bus are only allowed if space permits
  1. All equipment must be in fully enclosed bags.
  2. Carry-on items must be held on the lap or between knees unless there is space on the adjacent seat
  3. Aisles must remain clear for emergency evacuation
  1. If the bus driver refers a student for distracting or potentially dangerous behavior, the student will receive a warning and appropriate consequences from the school administration.

Bus Discipline Procedures:
  1. If a rule is broken, the driver will warn your child once.
  2. The second incident results in a written notification from the bus driver or principal, per district policy.
  3. The third incident, the family of the child involved will become responsible for transporting their child to school.  

Regular Bus Routes/Bus Stops:

  • Parents/guardians are responsible for the safety of their students at bus stops prior to the arrival of buses in the morning and after the delivery of the students in the afternoon.
  • Students in Gr. K-3 must have a parent or assigned guardian to meet the child at the bus stop unless a written note is presented to the school.  
  • Students should arrive at their designated bus stop 5 minutes before the scheduled pickup.

Afterschool Program -  Session 2 of the afterschool program starts next Mon., Nov. 5. The sign-up sheet is attached HERE.  Due to the distance many of our staff drive and the early darkness, we are adjusting our hours to end at 5 PM daily.    If school is closed due to inclement weather, we will not have afterschool.  Also, if the district closes school early due to bad weather, we will not have afterschool.  We are looking for an after-school director to take over the position that Cathy Knight and Pam Boyer Sheldon currently hold.  If you know of anyone interested, please contact Cathy Knight.

WCUD Board Meeting - There is a meeting NEXT Mon., Nov. 5.  Here is the agenda.

Thank You - It has been an honor to be the principal and librarian/tech teacher here at Reading Elementary School for the last three years. I have enjoyed every moment working with your amazing children and wish you all nothing but the best.  I have informed the Superintendent that I will not be returning to the district for the 2019-20 school year.  My husband and I are considering relocating, and he has some health issues we must address.  Thank you for your kind and supportive comments to me throughout the years.  

Upcoming Events - It's that time of year - pie sale AND the Thanksgiving Community Feast.  We will need supplies for the pies and the PTO will be sending out lists of supplies needed.  So more time can be spent on academics, pies will be made in the afterschool program on Fri., Nov. 16.  The Community Thanksgiving celebration is Tues., Nov. 20 from 12 - 12:45 PM.  A list of supplies will also be coming out next week.  

  • Turn in Box Tops for school!  Each label is worth 10 cents!   
  • Sign up your Price Chopper account so RES gets points! 
  • Offer to teach a course in the After School program - share your skills! 

Lunch & Milk Questions - If a child is free and reduced, milk is FREE with either breakfast or lunch.  If a child wants milk by itself, there is a 50 cent charge.  This is a federal government/state rule.  Please let us know if you have questions.  

Happening this Week:
  • Mon., Nov. 5 - 
    • PE - students should wear tennis shoes and be prepared to go outside for PE.
    • WCUD Board Meeting - 6 PM - WCSU Conference Room
  • Tues., Nov. 6 - 
    • Library/Tech - please bring back library books!
    • PTO Meeting 5:30 PM - RES Library
  • Wed., Nov. 7 - 
    • Art 
  • Thurs., Nov. 8 
    • Music & Band
    • Make-Up Picture Day
  • Fri., Nov. 9
    • Spanish
Mark Your Calendar/Upcoming Events:    
  • Mon., Nov. 12 - NO SCHOOL
  • Wed., Nov. 14 - Report cards come home
  • Fri., Nov. 16 - Pie Making AFTERSCHOOL 
  • Sat., Nov. 17 - Pie Sale & Chili Cook-off 
  • Tues., Nov. 20 - RES Community Thanksgiving Dinner 12 - 12:45 PM
  • Wed., Nov. 21 - 23 - SCHOOL CLOSED
Thoughts to Ponder: 


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