Sunday, June 11, 2017


Dear Reading Elementary "Rockets" Families & Community Members:

It's hard to believe this is the LAST "Rockets Report" family blog of the 2016-17 school year.   There will be more photos posted on this blog after this week ends.  This week looks like summer weather will finally arrive, so it's a good thing this is our last week!  We look forward to seeing you in July at the "Old Days" celebrations!  

Kudos and heartfelt thanks to:
  • The PTO for helping coordinate the cupcakes for the 6th grade celebration!
  • All the parents who came to the Special Board Meeting regarding the reconsideration of an Act 46 vote.  
  • Community member Jane Cleveland and Nina Salvatore who help out with the library!
Other Items of Interest:

Lunch Bills - PLEASE make sure your lunch accounts are paid off before the last day of school.  Heather works so hard to make the ends connect, and every dollar helps!  If you want to donate $ towards someone's overdue account, just give the $ to Heather or the office.  Thanks!

New Windsor Central Superintendent Survey - The new superintendent will be taking charge of the SU effective July 1, 2017.  She has asked  that you complete a survey so she can get to know the district.  Please read this MEMO which includes the survey link.  

Summer Office Hours & Contact - The school office is closed during the summer.  None of us are scheduled to work in the summer, but I will be in and out, as will our some of our teachers from time-to-time.  I am taking four grad classes this summer for my library media/tech work, so please call me on my cell phone, 802-779-5577, or text, or e-mail me at 

Library Books - Please check your house for any library books or school books that haven't been turned in yet.  

School Supplies - There's something magical about shopping for school supplies in August.  I remember going with my family and it created an excitement about the coming school year.  Each class will be creating a small "supply list" <$15. per family for the 2016-17 school year that we'd appreciate you purchasing over the summer.  IF this is a hardship for anyone, please let me know before school starts so we can make sure your child has what they need to start school.  The lists will be posted on the school website after July 1 for each grade.  

Summer Slide/Brain Drain?   - So it's not a myth, studies have shown that students can lose 1-2 grade levels in reading math during summer if they're not exercising their "brain muscles.  Here's just one ARTICLE on it.  Most teachers will be sending home a reading list.  Dreambox will be available throughout the summer, as is the Coding program, and I will be opening up Keyboarding Without Tears for students to work on at home over the summer.  I will be sending home passwords with each child.  If you need your child's password over the summer, please e-mail me.  Let them hear you "think out loud" as you do math, plan a trip, etc.  Deep thinking is not automatic, it's learned!  Many libraries have summer reading programs that your child can attend!  There are also "workbooks" that you can purchase at Staples, Books A Million, and even Dollar General if your child likes doing paper activities.  

New Staff - We are finishing up the hiring process for the 2017-18 school year.  We have found a highly qualified 1/2 and a physical education teacher to join the Reading Staff.  Once contracts are signed, I will send out an update with names and contact information.  We plan to have an open house one afternoon in August, so parents can meet the new staff.  

Blog "Rockets Report" - So as the year comes to a close, there's a whole year's worth of blogs to document our year!  Wow, we've been busy!  I often wonder as I spend hours a week creating the blog, if it's really helpful to parents.  What should I add? Delete?  Would you rather have a paper newsletter?  SO I'm attaching a very brief survey HERE that I'd greatly appreciate you completing.  Thanks for those of you who have e-mailed me throughout the year expressing your thoughts on it!  The website will be revamped this summer!  

  • Need a little help with weeding & painting!  Please volunteer!
  • Volunteer to help do some little repair projects!  
  • Serve on the RES Board - there's still an opening!  
Please send in your payment if you have not already done so.   Lunch accounts should be paid in full each month.    Thank you!  
  • Mon., June 12 - Whole Grain Crust Pizza, Oranges, Mixed Green Salad, Tomatoes; Breakfast: Hash & The Regulars
  • Tues., June 13 - Cheesy Whole Grain Noodles w/Meat, Strawberries, Broccoli; Breakfast: Hard boiled Eggs  - The Regulars
  • Wed., June 14  - Turkey & Cheese Sandwiches on Whole Grain Bread, Tangerines, Carrots & Cucumer,;   Breakfast:  German Pancake & The Regulars 
Happening this Week:
  • Mon., June 12 - 
    • Gr. 1/2 Junior Rangers 8:15 - 2:30 PM & Camp Drinker 
    • K Bon Voyage Party - 1 - 2:30 PM
  • Tues., June 13 - 
    • 6th Grade Graduation Ceremony 1 - 2 PM
  • Wed., June 14 - 
    •  Pre-k Families: Last day Wednesday, June 14,  11:30 Slide show celebration
    • Last Day of School  - Students dismissed at NOON!  
    • "Step-Up" Day for 6th graders at WUHS
    • Report Cards come home!  
  • Thurs., June 15 - Staff at Planning Retreat away from School for 2017-18 School Year
  • Fri., June 16 -8 - 2 PM -  Libbet and Cathy will be in school should you have questions on need to stop by!  
Mark Your Calendar/Upcoming Events:    
  • Wed., June 21 - RES Board Meeting 6:30 PM
  • Tues., July 25 - 3rd Act 46 Reconsideration Vote 7 AM - 7 PM Town Hall
  • Wed., Aug. 16 - RES Board Meeting 6:30 PM
  • Sun., Aug. 27 - 1st Blog of 2017-18
  • Wed., Aug. 30 - 1st Student Day for 2017-18 School - 1st Day Breakfast Provided by the PTO
  • Mon., Sept. 4 - Labor Day
Thoughts to Ponder:


Movies & Popcorn Celebration

Sunday, June 4, 2017


Dear Reading Elementary "Rockets" Families & Community Members:

Kudos and heartfelt thanks to:
  • All our drivers to swimming for PK, K, and 5/6! 
  • All of you who voted on Wed., May 31!
  • Our alternative study committee members for all their hard work! 
Other Items of Interest:

Act 46 Revote -  For those of you who didn't hear, the revote was "yes" to merge with the SU by 6 votes.  As a result, there is a special board meeting planned for this Wed., June 7, at 6:30 PM.

PBIS Schoolwide Celebrations - As a school, we encourage positive behavior by students receiving blue "respect" tiles which go into a large "Respect Rocket" every Friday.  This past week, our students FILLED the rocket!  So RES students will be celebrating "positive behavior" choices over the next two weeks.  These celebrations are "experiences" - not material objects.  On Tuesday, members of our student council will be telling the students about the following choices.  Please don't tell your students about it. as the students want to announce it.  We're sharing it with you so you can plan accordingly if you want to help your student decorate a hat, etc.  NO need to buy anything for this - homemade is encouraged!
  • Tues., June 6 - 
    • "E" - Extra buddy day - Students can bring in their favorite stuffed animal to carry all day.  
    • "C" - Crazy hair day - Students can wear their hair however they want to today - no need to even brush it!
  • Fri.. June 9 -
    • "T" - Time to crunch - popcorn or pretzels during our final CELEBRATION!
    • 1 - 2:30 PM- "MOVIE" time in the multipurpose room.  Students can bring favorite blankets, pillows for students to watch a school-wide movie!  
Lunch Bills - PLEASE make sure your lunch accounts are paid off before the last day of school.  Heather works so hard to make the ends connect, and every dollar helps!  If you want to donate $ towards someone's overdue account, just give the $ to Heather or the office.  Thanks! 

NEWS FOR PRE-K FAMILIES - For our last VINS session with Miss Hannah, we will be heading to water to learn about frogs and toads.  Please send your child with boots or some kind of appropriate water footwear and extra socks and some shoes for inside.
Since so few children brought something to share last Thursday, we will have another share day this Thursday.Is anyone able to help chaperone our trip to the Montshire Museum this Wednesday?  Enjoy the rest of the weekend, Kathi and Amy

Pre-K Staffing News - Due to an unexpected, but welcome increase in enrollment, we now have 16 registered 3 & 4 yr. olds for the 2017-18 school year.  We will be asking the Board to reinstate Mrs. Faulkner, who had been riffed due to low enrollment in Jan.   As it stands now, we'll have the same schedule as this year, PK - 3 MWF, and PK 4 TWTh.  We're still working on the afternoon after-care but don't have anything finalized yet.  

Staff Changes for NEXT school year - 2017-18 - So it's the time of the year where we face changes for the 2017-18 school year.  In order to keep everyone in the know, below are the changes for the coming year.  The positions have been posted and the interview process is underway.   Change is hard for adults and students.  Thanks for talking with your children and working through the "changes."  We know that these decisions are tough ones, but ones that are best for the individuals.  We love them all, and wish them nothing but the best!  
  • Pam Selen, Special Educator - Retiring
  • Greg Labella, PE Teacher - Retiring
  • Beth Ann Drinker - Moving on to administration position closer to home.
  • Libbet Downs - Moving on to a slower paced lifestyle, but will still be around to sub for us!    
  • Come read to the students or volunteer to help!
  • Serve on the RES Board - there's still an opening!  
Please send in your payment if you have not already done so.   Lunch accounts should be paid in full each month.    Thank you!  
  • Mon., June 5 - Barbecue Turkey Cups, Apples, Broccoli, Sweet Potato, Whole Wheat Biscuit; Breakfast: Poached Eggs/Toast & The Regulars
  • Tues., June 6 Spaghetti w/Sausage, Strawberries, Mixed Green Salad, Tomatoes, Whole Grain Noodles; Breakfast: Hard boiled Eggs  - The Regulars
  • Wed., June 7  - Quiche, Oranges, Spinach Salad, Carrots, Whole Grain Corn Chips;   Breakfast:  French Toast Bake & The Regulars 
  • Thurs., June 8- Turkey Has, Pears, Peas, Iceberg Lettuce, Whole Grain Pita Brea,; Breakfast:  Hard Boiled Eggs - The Regulars 
  • Fri., June 9 - Rice Bowls w/All the Fixins  Breakfast: Scrambled Eggs & The Regulars
Happening this Week:
  • Mon., June 5 -  
    • Gr.. 1/2 Swim Lessons -Edgar May Center- Springfield 8:15 -10:30 AM
    • K  Picnic at Weathersfield 11 - 12 
    • K Swimming 12:30 - 2:30 PM
  • Tues., June 6 - VINS visits K/Pre-K
  • Wed., June 7 - 
    • Pre-K/K Field Trip to Montshire Museum
    • RES PTO Meeting 6 PM
Mark Your Calendar/Upcoming Events:    
  • Mon., June 12 - 
    • Gr. 1/2 Junior Rangers & Camp Drinker 
    • K Bon Voyage Party - 1 - 2:30 PM
  • Tues., June 13 - 
    • 6th Grade Graduation Ceremony 1 - 2 PM
  • Wed., June 14 - 
    •  Pre-k Families: Last day Wednesday, June 14,  11:30 Slide show celebration
    • Last Day of School  - Students dismissed at NOON!  
    • "Step-Up" Day for 6th graders at WMS
Thoughts to Ponder:


Needed:  photos from field trips, please!