Sunday, October 14, 2018


Dear Reading Elementary "Rockets" Families & Community Members:

Kudos and heartfelt thanks to:
  • All who attended the Profile of a Graduate community forum Thurs. evening.
  • Donna Stahl and her family for providing the delicious dinner Thurs. night.  
  • PTO members and parents who helped out with the Leaf Peeper Breakfast.
  • Barbour & Osgood family for their help in making the K/1 Sustainability Project a success!
Other Items of Interest:

Highlight on the Handbook - The WCUD Family/Student Handbook is full of important information and all principals will be highlighting information in our communications to families.  The family district handbook can be found on our website and hard copies can be obtained from RES.   The topics covered are being discussed in schools district-wide.


For student safety and due to student allergies, bringing animals into school is discouraged.   Any exceptions for class events, etc., must be cleared by the administrator. Even when students are not in the school, staff should refrain from bringing their pets in.  Families will be notified of any class pets that teachers may have.

WCSU  schools follow the recommendation of the Vermont Department of Health regarding animals in school or on school grounds during school hours. NO ANIMALS of any kind (dead or alive, or skins, or bones) are allowed in or at the school. Students that wish to share the excitement of a new family pet may bring in pictures. Exceptions:
●  Service dogs, law enforcement dogs, service animals.
●  Fish in an aquarium.
●  Educational presentations led by certified speakers or educators, such as VINS.

WCUD Board MeetingThe next WCUD Board meeting is Monday, Oct. 15, here at Reading Elementary School.  A special announcement was sent to families on Thursday with the entire board packet for your review.  Please note there is a board workshop from 6-7 PM and though audience members can listen, there is no audience participation.  The agenda is here.  

Afterschool Program - Bills are in the processing of being sent out, please send in your balance so we can keep our program running. New programs will be offered in the next session.   We are looking for an after school director to take over the position that Cathy Knight and Pam Boyer Sheldon currently hold.  If you know of anyone interested, please contact Cathy Knight.

SBAC Scores - We have mailed your child's  2018 SBAC scores to your home.  If you have any questions regarding them, please reach out to your teacher.  This is only one data point in your child's educational record.  More information on them can also be found on the VT AOE website HERE.

Pumpkin Raffle - Pumpkin season is upon us.  The K/1 class students picked the pumpkins on Friday.  Each class will be decorating a pumpkin for their class and it will be raffled off.  Raffle tickets have been sent home with each student.  Please return all raffle tickets and money by Thurs., Oct. 26.  The raffle will be drawn Fri., Oct. 27 in the morning meeting.  Thank you for your support!  

  • Sign up your Price Chopper account so RES gets points! 
  • Offer to teach a course in the After School program - share your skills!
  • Turn in Box Tops for school!  Each label is worth 10 cents!    

Lunch & Milk Questions - If a child is free and reduced, milk is FREE with either breakfast or lunch.  If a child wants milk by itself, there is a 50 cent charge.  This is a federal government/state rule.  Please let us know if you have questions.  

Happening this Week:
  • Mon., Oct. 15 - 
    • PE - students should wear tennis shoes!
    • Reading Runners - students need water bottles!
    • WCUD Board Meeting at Reading Elementary School-agenda HERE
  • Tues., Oct. 16 - 
    • Library/Tech - please bring back library books!
    • Reading Fire Department doing a presentation - 8 AM - 9:15 AM PK-6
  • Wed., Oct. 10 - 
    • Art
  • Thurs., Oct. 11
    • Music & Band
  • Fri., Oct. 12
    • Spanish
Mark Your Calendar/Upcoming Events:    
  • Thursday, Oct. 26 - Tickets & Money due from Pumpkin Raffle 2 PM
  • Fri., Oct. 27 - Pumpkin Raffle drawn during Morning Meeting 7:35 AM
  • Tues., Nov. 6 - PTO Meeting 5:30 PM - RES Library
  • Thurs., Nov. 8 - Make-Up Picture Day
  • Mon., Nov. 12 - NO SCHOOL
  • Wed., Nov. 14 - Report cards come home
  • Sat., Nov. 17 - Pie Sale & Chili Cook-off 
  • Tues., Nov. 20 - RES Community Thanksgiving Dinner 12 - 12:45 PM
  • Wed., Nov. 21 - 23 - SCHOOL CLOSED
Thoughts to Ponder: 


K/1 picked pumpkins from our pumpkin path last Fri.


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