Sunday, January 8, 2017


Dear Reading Elementary "Rockets" Families & Community Members:

It was a busy week back with Ski Runners and lots of colds and tummy bugs!  Thank you to all who worked so hard to arrive promptly!  Just a reminder that a yummy breakfast is served 7:20 - 7:30.  If you want your child to have breakfast, please arrive in time for them to eat before we start morning meeting. and head to class.   

Kudos and heartfelt thanks to:
  • Amy Harkins for lending her Legos to Pre-K for learning!
  • Neighbor Jane Cleveland who volunteers to help in our library!
  • Ski Runner volunteers - Pete Seaman, Matt Foley, Sue Mulder, Kate Allen, Boolie Sluka, and Matt Maxham!
Other Items of Interest:
Library Books - Many students brought home library books home before the Winter Break. Please help your student bring them back to school tomorrow. Notices came home on Friday in folders.

Child Safety ID Cards -  Our photo company, LifeTouch, offers a program to schools that provides parents with safety ID cards for each student. If a child goes missing, one of the most important tools to bring them home safely is a high-quality, current image of the child. Through SmileSafe, parents have 24/7 access to their child’s electronic image, which they can give to law enforcement in case of emergency. For more info, please check out:   CHILD SAFETY INFO. - PLEASE READ. Cards will come

Act 46 Study Committee - The committee will be meeting again Wed., Jan. 4, from 6:30 - 8 PM at the WCSU Central Office. Hope you'll join us!

Ski Runners - Continues this week. We will have activities at school for any students not participating.

Do You Know An RES Alumni? - Our library media/tech classes are participating in a project based learning which they have titled the oxymoron, "Wasted Time."  (For those of you who don't know, it's a country song that represents their thoughts.)  They are conducting a survey and creating a digital living history to represent the past and present of Reading Elementary School and we need your help!   Did you attend Reading Elementary School?  Do you know someone who did?  If you did, then please complete the survey and ask other alumni, to complete the attached SURVEY. Students will be researching their town and school history and preserving it digitally. Check out what we've done so far at RES PAST AND PRESENT.

Reading Rockets All Star Rockets Afterschool Programs - The 1st session begins this Wed., Jan. 11, and will continue Jan. 18, 25, Feb. 1, 8, and 15. 2nd session info. will be sent out in early Feb. Spaces are limited, so please sign up promptly. Programs will begin at 2:45 and parents must pick up their student promptly at 5 PM. PDF's will be send home today, but here's a LINK to the program and the sign-up form.

Family Outdoor Fun That's So Close - Ascutney Outdoors - Winter Schedule and Events 2016/17
Rope Tow Schedule: Opens for the season Wed. Dec. 28th snow depending. Check our website

The rope tow is FREE to ski and ride for everyone!!!!!

Fridays: 12pm to 8pm
Saturday: 10am to 8pm
Sunday: 12pm to 4pm
Thursday: 4pm to 8pm (for Thursday Classic Race Series only.)
Holidays and vacation weeks: Monday through Thursdays 12pm to 4pm , Fridays 12pm to 8pm, Saturdays 10am to 8pm and Sundays 12pm to 4pm. Thursday in addition 4pm to 8pm for races

Events:  For more information check our website
  • Race training: (for all ages and abilities of skiers and riders) FREE and FUN, FUN, FUN!! Friday 4pm to 8pm, Sat. and Sun. 10am to 12pm
  • Thursday Classic Race Series:  Thursday 4pm to 8pm. Starting Jan. 5th (for all ages and abilities of skiers and riders)
  • Full Moon hikes to Mile Long Field: 7pm - Jan. 12th Thursday, Feb. 10th Friday, March 12th Sunday
  • Winterfest: Feb. 11th
    • Fatscutney, Fat bike race
    • Tiki Torch Snow shoe and X Country ski tour
    • Ski and Snowboarding Race on the rope tow
  • Winter Wild: Feb. 18th Fun Uphill race
  • Rope A Thon: March 18th 

Rental Equipment:  SITZMARK  674-6930
For more Information contact:  Laura Farrell


From Mrs. Drinker - Gr. 1/2 - Snowflake Bazaar Update - Thank you to everyone who helped out with the Snowflake Bazaar whether by contributing items, helping to wrap presents, or sending in money for children to shop. It was an exciting day, and at dismissal the cars, strollers, and busses were stuffed with gifts for giving over the holidays.

When the first and second graders counted the money the next day, they discovered they had made $247 by selling people things that they wanted for the holidays. Their next task was to find out what people need to survive and to decide where to direct the money so it could do the most good. In the end, they chose three local charities to give to:  The Vermont Food Bank (food), The Upper Valley Haven (housing), and the Children’s Hospital at Dartmouth—ChaD (health). They also chose three international charities:  Pure Water for the World (for water purification systems in remote villages), Oxfam America (100 bars of emergency soap for use during natural disaster and a rooster and hen to provide food and income for a family in Africa) and through Watsi they sponsored a little girl named Rachel in Guatemala who needed medical treatment because of malnutrition (food).  The thank you notes they have already received have let them know that though the need for help is great throughout the world, their generosity, hard work, and caring for others both near and far can make a difference.

From Mrs. Faulkner, Pre-K Teacher: The pre-k students will start attending all school meeting on Wednesday mornings.  This begins at 7:50 in the gym.  Sure hope you can join us too.  This week we will sing the "Ten Little Snowflakes" for/with everyone.

Pre-k and kindergarten will have a VINS visit from Miss Hannah on Tuesday morning this week.  Please be sure to send your child with all winter apparel every day, especially Tuesday, as we plan to do some outdoor "tracking" with Miss Hannah.

  • Volunteer to read or help out in a classroom or the library!  
  • Come to a Reading Elementary School Board Meeting!

Please send in your payment if you have not already done so.   Lunch accounts should be paid in full each month.  If you need help complete the Free/Reduced Paperwork, we are here to help!  ALL APPLICATIONS are kept confidential.    Thank you!  
  • Mon., Jan. 9  -   Fish Sticks, Applesauce, Cole Slaw, Beet Chips, Quinoa; Breakfast:  Oatmeal  - The Regulars  
  • Tues., Jan. 3 - Garlic Brown Sugar Chicken, Pears, Carrots & Cucumbers, Sweet Potatoes, Whole Grain Rice; Breakfast:  Hard Boiled Eggs - The Regulars  
  • Wed., Jan. 4  - Black Bean, Rice & Cheese Quesadillas, Cottage Cheese, Melon, Iceberg Lettuce & Tomatoes on WG Tortilla Breakfast:  Omelet w/Sausage - The Regulars 
  • Thurs., Jan. 5 -   Chicken Noodle Soup, Pears, Whole Grain Noodles (carrots, peas, green beans) ; Breakfast:  Hard Boiled Egg - The Regulars 
  • Fri., Jan. 6  - Turkey Meatloaf, Apples, Spinach Salad w/Carrots, Potatoes, Whole Grain Bread Salad; Breakfast: Bagel w/Cream Cheese - The Regulars
Happening this Week:
  • Mon., Jan. 9 - Library - Please remind your children to bring in their library books!    
  • Tues., Jan. 10 - 
    •  VINS visits Pre-K and K
  • Wed., Jan. 11 - 
    • RES PROGRAM Afterschool Program begins 2:45 - 5 PM
    • Special Board Meeting 6 PM
  • Fri., Jan. 13 - 
    • Ski Runners 
    • End of Term 2 

Mark Your Calendar/Upcoming Events:    
  • Mon., Jan. 16 - Inservice - NO SCHOOL
  • Wed., Jan. 18 - 
    • After School Program - 2:45 - 5 PM
    • RES Board 6 PM
  • Thurs., Jan. 19 - 6 PM - Special Board Meeting
  • Fri., Jan. 20 -  Ski Runners 
  • Wed., Jan. 25 - After School Program 2:45 - 5 PM
  • Fri., Jan. 27 - Ski Runners
  • Wed., Feb. 1 - PTO Meeting 6 PM  
  • Fri., Feb. 3 - Ski Runners
  • Fri., Feb. 10 - Ski Runners
  • Sun., Feb. 12 - PTO Pasta Night 4 - 7 PM
  • Fri., Feb. 17 - Ski Runners
  • Mon., Feb. 20 - Fri., Feb. 24 - NO SCHOOL 
  • Fri., March 3 - Ski Runners
Thoughts to Ponder:


Technology use in Gr. 5/6

Science in Gr. 5/6

Projects in Gr. 1/2

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