It was wonderful seeing so many families at the Back to School Night! Thanks for taking the time to come by and visit!
Kudos and heartfelt thanks to:
- Parents: Mr. Lord, Mr. Lanoza, and Mr. Blanchard for helping us Thursday spread the playground's wood chips - HUGE help!
- Janet Maxham for volunteering in the PK classroom!
- All the parents who came to the Back to School Night!
- The PTO and members who donated to the Pot Luck Dinner!
- Neighbor and business owner, Scott Harkins, for spreading the wood chips!
Other Items of Interest:
Highlight on the Handbook - The WCUD Family/Student Handbook is full of important information and all principals will be highlighting information in our communications to families. The family district handbook can be found on our website and hard copies can be obtained from RES. Over the next few weeks, we are focusing on attendance.
Truancy Guidelines
In the case of habitual truancy, a Social Services Truancy Report will be prepared. The preparer, the truant officer, the school Principal, and the school Superintendent will sign this report. Then, the report will be forwarded to the Social Services District Office and copied to the County State’s Attorney. A letter indicating that the report was filed will be sent to the parent. The report is confidential and includes:
- Documentation of absences,
- Descriptions of actions taken by school personnel to effect change in the habitual pattern of truancy, and
- Descriptions of other observed student behaviors that are inappropriate to the school setting.
After the Social Services Report is filed, the caseworker may conduct an investigation that could include a parent interview, student interview, and school personnel interview.
If the results of the investigation indicate that the parent is overtly and consciously interfering with the enrolled student’s school attendance, Social Services and the school will be sent directly to the State’s Attorney for review and possible determination of prosecution of the parents.
The Windsor Central Unified District follows the Windsor County truancy protocol which is outlined below:
Picture Day - Wed., Oct. 3 is the annual picture day. Forms were sent home Friday - please check your child's backpack. Please send the completed forms back into school. Order online before Picture day with your picture ID at Reading Elementary School's Picture ID: VJ178089Q0.
Our next meeting is on Tuesday 10/9 at 5:30 in the Multipurpose room at RES. The agenda for this meeting includes Leaf Peeper Breakfast prep and annual elections. A reminder: The position of Chair is open! Come to the meeting and join in the fun!
Coming Soon -
Sat., Oct. 6 - 10 AM - 3 PM |
Profile of a Graduate Community Dinner - The entire district will be hosting "Profile of a Graduate Community Meetings" which are an important step to constructing a unified district strategic plan. Your voice and ideas are important and valued. Please mark your calendars for Thurs., Oct. 11. We hope to have a good community turnout. If you can't make it that night, please attend one of the others scheduled throughout the district!
Afterschool Program - The Afterschool Advisory Council met and we are all excited about the success of the program to date. New programs will be offered in the next session.
Since we are a licensed program, we are bound by extensive State regulations. We ask that parents give 24 hr. notice to add a student to the program and contact must be made to Mrs. Knight and Mrs. Hatt by an adult, not just by a student when they check in in the morning. If your child is signed up for afterschool, we must have e-mail notification that your child will not be participating with at least 24 hours notice. Please email Mrs. Knight AND Mrs. Hatt, in case one of us is out of the building. The State has strict staff/student ratios, so it's a safety issue to add students without checking first if there is room. If you cancel without 24 hr. notice we will have to charge for that day to help offset the cost of staffing. Thanks for your understanding!
Invoice statements were sent via e-mail last week to families participating in the afterschool program. Thank you to all who have sent in checks to bring your account current and pay ahead as requested.
Since we are a licensed program, we are bound by extensive State regulations. We ask that parents give 24 hr. notice to add a student to the program and contact must be made to Mrs. Knight and Mrs. Hatt by an adult, not just by a student when they check in in the morning. If your child is signed up for afterschool, we must have e-mail notification that your child will not be participating with at least 24 hours notice. Please email Mrs. Knight AND Mrs. Hatt, in case one of us is out of the building. The State has strict staff/student ratios, so it's a safety issue to add students without checking first if there is room. If you cancel without 24 hr. notice we will have to charge for that day to help offset the cost of staffing. Thanks for your understanding!
Invoice statements were sent via e-mail last week to families participating in the afterschool program. Thank you to all who have sent in checks to bring your account current and pay ahead as requested.
- Sign up your Price Chopper account so RES gets points!
- Offer to teach a course in the After School program - share your skills!
- Turn in Box Tops for school! Each label is worth 10 cents!
- Mon., Oct. 1 -
- PE - Students should wear tennis shoes!
- K/PK Field Trip to the HOP
- Reading Runners 2:30 - 4 PM
- Tues., Oct. 2 -
- Library/Tech - please bring back library books!
- Wed., Oct. 3 -
- Art
- Picture Day
- Thurs., Oct. 4-
- Music & Band
- Fri., Oct. 5 -
- Spanish
- Sat., Oct. 6 -
- Open House Spring Brook Farm 10-3
- Mon., Oct. 8 - NO SCHOOL
Mark Your Calendar/Upcoming Events:
- Tues., Oct. 9 -
- "Web of Life" Field Trip - Gr. 6 begins all week
- PTO Meeting - 5:30 PM - RES Library
- Thurs., Oct. 11 - Profile of a Graduate Dinner & Presentation
- Dinner - 5:30 - 6
- Presentation 6 - 7:15 PM
- Childcare provided
- Community members and families are welcome.
- Sat., Oct. 13 - Fire Prevention Fair - see above
- Sun., Oct. 14 - PTO sponsored Leaf Peeper's Breakfast 9 - 11 AM
- Mon., Oct. 15 - WCUD Board Meeting at Reading Elementary School