Sunday, January 28, 2018


Dear Reading Elementary "Rockets" Families & Community Members:

Kudos and heartfelt thanks to:
  • Sue Molder for volunteering and being such a big help to the ski runners!
  • Kurt Allen for helping carry things down to the bus!
  • Vanessa Maxham for the muffins for staff  - yummy!  
Other Items of Interest:  

Mama Mia Dinner and Valentines Day Baskets - Please send in raffle tickets for Mama Mia.  Here's the letter from the PTO if you didn't get it.  Here's the invite to give to family and friends!  There's a sign-up sheet in the lobby if you'd like to volunteer!

Planning Ahead for SummerThe school year is really flying!  We are literally halfway through the school year at this point!  The Summer Program Expo will be held at the Woodstock Elementary School on Wednesday, March 14th from 3:30 – 6:00 pm.  It will have lots of summer offerings for your child should you want to attend.   Sign-ups for Summer Soak start in March. 

Report Cards - This Wednesday 2nd quarter report cards are coming home via your child's backpack.  Specials teachers only report progress terms 2 and 4, so their comments will be on this report card.  Keep in mind that it's progress that is the true measure.  Teachers comments and the "numbers" should support each other.  If you have questions on your report card, please contact the teacher first.  If you are unable to resolve it, then reach out to me.  

Ski Runners - It was another successful week of Ski Runners.  Most of the groups progressed to the J bar!   The joy and confidence on the students' faces is so inspiring!  We were there on time this week so the start was much more organized.  Several students complained of their feet being cold, so hopefully this week they can wear warmer socks as the temps look chilly for next Friday again.   Think snow so they will have great conditions to learn in!  Students can bring snacks or purchase snacks at the lodge.  

PBIS - Our students are working hard at being respectful of others at all times in every school setting!  Our student council have met and decided on the following school-wide celebrations:

  • R - Recess is choice - you can stay in the cafeteria and do art or coding activities OR go outside!   Mon., Jan. 29
  • E - Everybody wears slippers!  - Wed., Jan. 31
  • S - Small Stuffed Animal Day - all students get to carry a stuffed animal with them.  It should be small enough to sit on the student's desk and not detract from learning. - Thurs., Feb. 1
  • P - PJ day!  - Wed., Feb. 7
  • E - Eclectic/crazy hair day - Thurs., Feb. 8
  • C - Cocoa day - Students will have cocoa at snack time! Fri., Feb. 9
  • T - Twin day!  Tues., Feb. 13
  • Totally Filled Celebration - Movie and Popcorn - Date TBA

Kindergarten Message from Ms. B.

  • Sign up to be the Reading representative on the SU's Profile of a Graduate committee!  
  • Send in Box Tops for Education! 
  • Sign up to help at the Mama Mia dinner!

Is your lunch account current?  All accounts should be paid in full each month.    Thank you for helping us keep our costs down! 

***Breakfast is served from 7:15 - 7:30 AM only. ****
  • Mon., Jan. 29, 2018 -  Chicken Curry, Tangerines, Broccoli, Sweet Potatoes, Rice:  Breakfast:  Oatmeal and the Regulars
  • Tues., Jan. 30, 2018 -  Turkey & Cheese Sandwich, Pears, Carrots & Celery;  Breakfast:  Hard Boiled Eggs & the Regulars
  • Wed., Jan. 31,  2018 -  Rice & Bean Quesadillas, Melon, Mixed Vegetables, Tortilla,  ; Breakfast:  French Toast and the Regulars
  • Thurs., Feb. 1, 2018 - Chicken Noodle Soup, Oranges, Spinach w/Carrots, WG Pasta;  Breakfast:  Hard Boiled Eggs and the Regulars
  • Fri., Feb. 2, 2018 - English Muffin Pizza, Apples, Iceberg Lettuce w/Tomatoes, WG English Muffins; Breakfast:  Scrambled Eggs & the Regulars
Happening this Week:
  • Mon., Jan. 29
    • Art w/ Mrs. Kaija
  • Tues., Jan. 30 -
    • School starts at 7:30 AM
    • PE is the Special - students need to bring tennis shoes!  
    • Wed., Jan. 31 - 
      • Spanish is the Special
      • 2nd Term Report Cards go home
      • K-2 PMA SU - 2 - 4 PM
    • Thurs., Feb. 1
      • Music is the Special
    • Fri., Feb. 2
      • Library Tech is the Special - please send in library books.  
      • Ski Runners - Students leave school at 12:55 PM.  
      Mark Your Calendar/Upcoming Events:     
      • Wed., Feb. 7 - PTO Meeting 6 PM - Multipurpose Room
      • Fri., Feb. 9 - Ski Runners
      • Sun., Feb. 11 - Mama Mia Pizza Dinner
      • Fri., Feb. 16 -  Ski Runners
      • Mon., Feb. 19 - Fri., Feb. 23 - School Closed -Winter Break
      • Wed., Feb. 28 - Board Meeting 6 PM
      • Fri., March 2 - Ski Runners
      • Fri., March 9- Ski Runners
      • Wed., March 14 - 
        • Summer Program Expo - Woodstock Elementary - 3:30 – 6:00 pm.
        • RES PTO Meeting 6 PM
      • Wed., March 21 - Puppets in Education/Bullying Prevention Field Trip
      • Mon., April 16 - Fri., April 20 School Closed - Spring Break
      Thoughts to Ponder: 


      Sunday, January 21, 2018

      RES PRINCIPAL'S BLOG - ROCKETS REPORT - Sun., Jan. 21, 2018

      Dear Reading Elementary "Rockets" Families & Community Members:

      Kudos and heartfelt thanks to:
      • Sue Molder for all her help with Ski Runners!
      • Tatiana for sending in copies of all the Mama Mia paperwork for all the families.
      • Donna Martin-Stahl for helping get sand & salt from the town garage for us! 
      Other Items of Interest:  

      Outdoor Recess Policy - Students need to be dressed appropriately for playing in the snow.  Students should have snow pants, boots, hats, mittens/gloves, and a winter coat in order to be in the snow.  Students that don't have snow pants can be outside but on the blacktop.  We're encouraging students to pack their things the night before so they don't forget their shoes, snow pants, etc.

      Winter Sports - We had 26 students participate in Ski Runners!    It was an exciting afternoon filled with smiles and laughter!  Some students didn't want to come in when it was time because they were having so much fun!  The groups change as the weeks progress.  It's important to remind your child that the learning is step by step.  Students are not taken to the "J" bar until they can control their skis and stop when needed.  Please encourage your children to participate in all eight weeks.  I'm sure they slept well as they used lots of energy Friday!  

      Mama Mia Dinner and Valentines Day Baskets - Letters came home from the PTO last week.  Links to the letter, raffle tickets, and invitations will be linked on the PTO page of the RES website as of Monday.  Together we can do so much more!     

      Message from Pre-K Teacher, Mrs. Faulkner
      Dear Pre-K Families,
      The PTO is sponsoring a pasta dinner fundraiser on Sunday, February 11th.  We sure hope you are able to support this fundraiser that helps pay for special activities for our students by attending and/or helping out in the kitchen that evening.  In conjunction with the dinner, gift baskets of a variety of themes will be raffled off.  We ask that if you are able to, please bring in any arts and crafts items to contribute to the Pre-K basket to be raffled off.  There will be a labeled box or basket in the classroom on top of the puzzles and table toys shelves for you to place them in.  Again, thank you for your help.  Kathi and Amy

      • Buy and sell raffle tickets for the Valentines Day baskets!  
      • Send in Box Tops for Education! 
      • Sign up to help at the Mama Mia dinner!

      Is your lunch account current?  All accounts should be paid in full each month.    Thank you for helping us keep our costs down! 

      ***Breakfast is served from 7:15 - 7:30 AM only. ****
      • Mon., Jan. 22, 2018 - Chicken Toes, Applesauce, Cole Slaw, Whole Grain Rice:  Breakfast:  Oatmeal and the Regulars
      • Tues., Jan. 23, 2018 - Cheeseburger Soup; Oranges, Peas, Whole Grain Bun;  Breakfast:  Hard Boiled Eggs & the Regulars
      • Wed., Jan. 24, 2018 -  Chick Peas & Whole Grain Pasta, Spinach w/Carrots,  ; Breakfast:  English Muffin and the Regulars
      • Thurs., Jan. 25, 2018 - Ham Quiche, Melon, Rye Krisp, Broccoli & Cauliflower;  Breakfast:  Hard Boiled Eggs and the Regulars
      • Fri., Jan. 26, 2018 - Taco Bake, Pears, Iceberg Lettuce w/Cherry Tomatoes, Whole Grain Corn Chips; Breakfast:  Scrambled Eggs & the Regulars
      Happening this Week:
      • Mon., Jan. 22
        • School Nurse, Jean Chick in 
      • Tues., Jan. 23 -
        • School starts at 7:30 AM
        • PE is the Special - students need to bring tennis shoes!
        • PK Swimming - car seats are needed!  
        • Wed., Jan. 24 - 
          • Spanish is the Special
        • Thurs., Jan. 25
          • Music is the Special
        • Fri., Jan. 26
          • Library Tech is the Special - please send in library books.  
          • Ski Runners - Students leave school at 12:50  PM.
          Mark Your Calendar/Upcoming Events:     
          • Wed., Jan. 31 - 2nd Term Report Cards go home
          • Fri., Feb. 2 - Ski Runners
          • Wed., Feb. 7 - PTO Meeting 6 PM - Multipurpose Room
          • Fri., Feb. 9 - Ski Runners
          • Sun., Feb. 11 - Mama Mia Pizza Dinner
          • Fri., Feb. 16 -  Ski Runners
          • Mon., Feb. 19 - Fri., Feb. 23 - School Closed -Winter Break
          • Wed., Feb. 28 - Board Meeting
          • Fri., March 2 - Ski Runners
          • Fri., March 9- Ski Runners
          • Wed., March 14 - RES PTO Meeting 6 PM
          • Wed., March 21 - Puppets in Education/Bullying Prevention Field Trip
          • Mon., April 16 - Fri., April 20 - School Closed - Spring Break
          Thoughts to Ponder: 


          PE with Ms. Grenier

          Music w/Mrs. Morton

          Rice Bowl day is always a favorite!

          3rd and 4th graders love their hats made by Sylvia Ledoux! 

          Students turning in the "respect" tiles!  

          Ski Runners Fun

          Fun on the bunny slope!

          1st timers looked like pros! 

          Sunday, January 14, 2018

          RES PRINCIPAL'S BLOG - ROCKETS REPORT - Sun., Jan. 14, 2018

          Dear Reading Elementary "Rockets" Families & Community Members:

          Kudos and heartfelt thanks to:
          • The parents who donated to Ski Runners to pay for those who couldn't!
          • The parents and Ester Allen who attended the PTO meeting Wed.!
          • Community member, Jane Cleveland, for volunteering and reading with our students!
          Other Items of Interest:  

          Spare Shoes - It's great that students are wearing boots to school.  If your child has extra slippers or tennis shoes that can stay at school it would be helpful. 

          Reminder Invitation from our Superintendent, Mary Beth Banios:

          Parents and community members, please check out the full LINK regarding this opportunity.   Mrs. Banios has not received any responses from Reading, so we thought some of you might want to consider being part of this opportunity.

          Snowpants Anyone?  - Snowpants are always in demand this time of year.  If you have any spare ones, please send them in to school!  Students are not allowed to go out during recess unless they are dressed for the weather with snow pants, warm hats, waterproof gloves, scarves, and of course warm boots.  We have a few extra coats and boots if your child needs one.  

          Winter Sports - We have 23 students signed up for Ski Runners!    Hopefully it will begin Friday, Jan. 19 and will be extended one week further into March.     If you have not already signed up your child, this is your last chance. Here is the link to the letter and forms.  Since we didn't have enough drivers, we have a bus that goes to and from each week.  Here is the scholarship application.  Please let me know when you have signed up.  Please let me know if you can help!  

          • Come to a Board Meeting!  
          • Send in Box Tops for Education! 
          • Read to some of our students!

          Is your lunch account current?  All accounts should be paid in full each month.    Thank you for helping us keep our costs down! 

          ***Breakfast is served from 7:15 - 7:30 AM only. ****
          • Tues., Jan. 16, 2018 - Coconut Chicken, Pineapple, Broccoli, Sweet Potatoes, Whole Grain RiceBreakfast:  Hard Boiled Eggs & the Regulars
          • Wed., Jan. 17, 2018 -  Veggie Chili, Cheese Stick, Apples, Spinach, Whole Grain Corn Chips ; Breakfast:  German Pancake and the Regulars
          • Thurs., Jan. 18, 2018 - Fish Chowder, Oranges, Peas, Whole Grain Pita Bread;  Breakfast:  Hard Boiled Eggs and the Regulars
          • Fri., Jan. 19, 2018 - Spaghetti w/Meat Sauce; Pears, Iceberg Lettuce, Cherry Tomatoes, Whole Grain Pasta; Breakfast:  Oatmeal  & the Regulars
          Happening this Week:
          • Mon., Jan. 15 
            • NO SCHOOL
          • Tues., Jan. 16 -
            • School starts at 7:30 AM
            • PE is the Special - students need to bring tennis shoes!
            • PK Swimming - car seats are needed!  
            • Wed., Jan. 17 - 
              • Spanish is the Special
              • Board Meeting 6 PM
            • Thurs., Jan. 18
              • Music is the Special
            • Fri., Jan. 19
              • Library Tech is the Special - please send in library books.  
              • Ski Runners begins - Students leave at 1 PM.
              Mark Your Calendar/Upcoming Events:     
              • Tues., Jan. 23 - PK Swims
              • Wed., Jan. 25 - Superintendent Visits School 8:30 - 10:30 AM - stop by for coffee with her!
              • Fri., Jan. 26 - Ski Runners
              • Sun., Feb. 11 - Mama Mia Pizza Dinner
              Thoughts to Ponder: 

              Sunday, January 7, 2018

              RES PRINCIPAL'S BLOG - ROCKETS REPORT - Sun., Jan. 7, 2018

              Dear Reading Elementary "Rockets" Families & Community Members:

              Happy 2018!  New year, new website!  Please check out the new I redid the website as part of my ed tech graduate courses last semester.   Comments and suggestions are  always welcome!  

              Kudos and heartfelt thanks to:
              • Jane Cleveland who came by and read to our students!
              • The amazing Reading road crew who plows our school parking lots!
              • All of you who had your students here by 7:30 AM last week!  
              Other Items of Interest:  

              Health Reminder - We've had several students diagnosed with strep throat D the flu.  If your child has had a fever or vomiting, they should not return to school until 24 hours has passed.  Please feel free to contact our nurse, Ms. Chick, on Tuesday to discuss any health concerns or questions you might have.  

              Spare Shoes - It's great that students are wearing boots to school.  If your child has extra slippers or tennis shoes that can stay at school it would be helpful. 

              Snowpants Anyone?  - Snowpants are always in demand this time of year.  If you have any spare ones, please send them in to school!  Students are not allowed to go out during recess unless they are dressed for the weather with snow pants, warm hats, waterproof gloves, scarves, and of course warm boots.  We have a few extra coats and boots if your child needs one.  

              Important Message from the PTO

              Wednesday January 10th is Peculiar People Day!  

              Please come and celebrate that with the RES PTO!  We will be at RES in the multi-purpose room at 6:00 pm. Our meetings rarely run over an hour.  We have not had enough attendance to vote in our officers, so please come, so we can get that done.  

              Normally, we do some quick reports,  talk about past fundraising successes, vote on requests, plan for upcoming events, etc….

              This meeting we are going to start planning the annual Pasta Supper, which is scheduled for Sunday February 11th.   This event we will be asking for some ingredient donations from families, but really, REALLY, would like more volunteers to help out.  This is our fanciest dinner, where orders are taken & meals served.  Older students would be amazing for this!  

              We really hope to see you there!  Thanks so much!  ~Tots, PTO President

              Winter Sports - Ski Runners begins Friday, Jan. 12 and will be extended one week further into March.     If you have not already signed up your child, then please do so. Here is the link to the letter and forms.   If you need a paper form, please contact me - sign ups are strictly online this year.  If there is a parent out there who would be willing to help coordinate the transportation, please contact me.   Here is the scholarship application.  Please let me know when you have signed up.  Details about transportation will be sent out by Thursday.  Please let me know if you can help!  

              Invitation from our Superintendent, Mary Beth Banios:

              Parents and community members, please check out the full LINK regarding this opportunity.

              School Cancellations - Several of you questioned about why school was not closed half day Thursday and of course, Friday, when over 500 schools in Vermont were closed.  We at Reading School have no control over that.  Schools are cancelled by the superintendent, Mary Beth Banios.  If you have questions or concerns about why school is not cancelled, then feel free to reach out to her office.  The upside is that we will be out earlier in June!

              • COME to the PTO meeting!
              • Send in Box Tops for Education! 
              • Read to some of our students!

              Is your lunch account current?  All accounts should be paid in full each month.    Thank you for helping us keep our costs down! 

              ***Breakfast is served from 7:15 - 7:30 AM only. ****
              • Mon., Jan. 8, 2018 - English Muffin Bake, Oranges, Spinach, Carrots; Breakfast:  Oatmeal and the Regulars
              • Tues., Jan. 9, 2018 -  Philly Cheese Steak, Pears, Broccoli, Sweet Potatoes; Breakfast:  Hard Boiled Eggs & the Regulars
              • Wed., Jan. 10, 2018 - Minestrone, Cheese Stick, Apples, Iceberg Lettuce, ; Breakfast:  Pancakes and the Regulars
              • Thurs., Jan. 11, 2018 - Turkey Rice Soup, Pears, Spinach, Carrots; Breakfast:  Hard Boiled Eggs and the Regulars
              • Fri., Jan. 12, 2018 - Rice Bowl; Breakfast:  CheesyEggs  & the Regulars
              Happening this Week:
              • Mon., Jan. 8 
                • School starts at 7:30 AM
                • Art is the Special
              • Tues., Jan. 9 -
                • PE is the Special - students need to bring tennis shoes!
                • PK Swimming - car seats are needed!  
                • Wed., Jan. 10 - 
                  • Spanish is the Special
                  • PTO Meeting 6 PM
                • Thurs., Jan. 11
                  • Music is the Special
                • Fri., Jan. 12
                  • Library Tech is the Special - please send in library books.  
                  • Ski Runners begins - Students leave at 1:15 PM.
                  Mark Your Calendar/Upcoming Events:     
                  • Mon., Jan. 15 - SCHOOL CLOSED - Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday
                  • Tues., Jan. 16 - PK Swim
                  • Wed., Jan. 17 - RES Board Meeting 6 PM
                  • Wed., Jan. 24 - Superintendent Visits School 8:30 - 10:30 AM - stop by for coffee with her!
                  • Sun., Feb. 11 - Mama Mia Pizza Dinner
                  Thoughts to Ponder: