Kudos and heartfelt thanks to:
- Sue Molder for volunteering and being such a big help to the ski runners!
- Kurt Allen for helping carry things down to the bus!
- Vanessa Maxham for the muffins for staff - yummy!
Other Items of Interest:
Mama Mia Dinner and Valentines Day Baskets - Please send in raffle tickets for Mama Mia. Here's the letter from the PTO if you didn't get it. Here's the invite to give to family and friends! There's a sign-up sheet in the lobby if you'd like to volunteer!
Planning Ahead for Summer - The school year is really flying! We are literally halfway through the school year at this point! The Summer Program Expo will be held at the Woodstock Elementary School on Wednesday, March 14th from 3:30 – 6:00 pm. It will have lots of summer offerings for your child should you want to attend. Sign-ups for Summer Soak start in March.
Report Cards - This Wednesday 2nd quarter report cards are coming home via your child's backpack. Specials teachers only report progress terms 2 and 4, so their comments will be on this report card. Keep in mind that it's progress that is the true measure. Teachers comments and the "numbers" should support each other. If you have questions on your report card, please contact the teacher first. If you are unable to resolve it, then reach out to me.
Ski Runners - It was another successful week of Ski Runners. Most of the groups progressed to the J bar! The joy and confidence on the students' faces is so inspiring! We were there on time this week so the start was much more organized. Several students complained of their feet being cold, so hopefully this week they can wear warmer socks as the temps look chilly for next Friday again. Think snow so they will have great conditions to learn in! Students can bring snacks or purchase snacks at the lodge.
- R - Recess is choice - you can stay in the cafeteria and do art or coding activities OR go outside! Mon., Jan. 29
- E - Everybody wears slippers! - Wed., Jan. 31
- S - Small Stuffed Animal Day - all students get to carry a stuffed animal with them. It should be small enough to sit on the student's desk and not detract from learning. - Thurs., Feb. 1
- P - PJ day! - Wed., Feb. 7
- E - Eclectic/crazy hair day - Thurs., Feb. 8
- C - Cocoa day - Students will have cocoa at snack time! Fri., Feb. 9
- T - Twin day! Tues., Feb. 13
- Totally Filled Celebration - Movie and Popcorn - Date TBA
Kindergarten Message from Ms. B.
- Sign up to be the Reading representative on the SU's Profile of a Graduate committee!
- Send in Box Tops for Education!
- Sign up to help at the Mama Mia dinner!
Is your lunch account current? All accounts should be paid in full each month. Thank you for helping us keep our costs down!
***Breakfast is served from 7:15 - 7:30 AM only. ****
Is your lunch account current? All accounts should be paid in full each month. Thank you for helping us keep our costs down!
***Breakfast is served from 7:15 - 7:30 AM only. ****
- Mon., Jan. 29, 2018 - Chicken Curry, Tangerines, Broccoli, Sweet Potatoes, Rice: Breakfast: Oatmeal and the Regulars
- Tues., Jan. 30, 2018 - Turkey & Cheese Sandwich, Pears, Carrots & Celery; Breakfast: Hard Boiled Eggs & the Regulars
- Wed., Jan. 31, 2018 - Rice & Bean Quesadillas, Melon, Mixed Vegetables, Tortilla, ; Breakfast: French Toast and the Regulars
- Thurs., Feb. 1, 2018 - Chicken Noodle Soup, Oranges, Spinach w/Carrots, WG Pasta; Breakfast: Hard Boiled Eggs and the Regulars
- Fri., Feb. 2, 2018 - English Muffin Pizza, Apples, Iceberg Lettuce w/Tomatoes, WG English Muffins; Breakfast: Scrambled Eggs & the Regulars
Happening this Week:
- Mon., Jan. 29
- Art w/ Mrs. Kaija
- Tues., Jan. 30 -
- School starts at 7:30 AM
- PE is the Special - students need to bring tennis shoes!
- Wed., Jan. 31 -
- Spanish is the Special
- 2nd Term Report Cards go home
- K-2 PMA SU - 2 - 4 PM
- Thurs., Feb. 1
- Music is the Special
- Fri., Feb. 2
- Library Tech is the Special - please send in library books.
- Ski Runners - Students leave school at 12:55 PM.
Mark Your Calendar/Upcoming Events:
- Wed., Feb. 7 - PTO Meeting 6 PM - Multipurpose Room
- Fri., Feb. 9 - Ski Runners
- Sun., Feb. 11 - Mama Mia Pizza Dinner
- Fri., Feb. 16 - Ski Runners
- Mon., Feb. 19 - Fri., Feb. 23 - School Closed -Winter Break
- Wed., Feb. 28 - Board Meeting 6 PM
- Fri., March 2 - Ski Runners
- Fri., March 9- Ski Runners
- Wed., March 14 -
- Summer Program Expo - Woodstock Elementary - 3:30 – 6:00 pm.
- RES PTO Meeting 6 PM
- Wed., March 21 - Puppets in Education/Bullying Prevention Field Trip
- Mon., April 16 - Fri., April 20 - School Closed - Spring Break