Sunday, September 24, 2017


Dear Reading Elementary "Rockets" Families & Community Members:

This week was a week full of surprises, including an unplanned fire drill which surprised even Mrs. Knight and Mrs. Hatt.  There was a malfunction in the alarm system which set off the alarm.  It was a beautiful day, and we needed to do one in September anyway. The  alarm company came and gave the alarm a check-up and all seems fine now.  We will be having  "lock-down drill" soon.  The State mandates this drills, but its for safety sake that we do them anyway.  Please feel free to call if you ever have any concerns over a drill.  If there is a serious incident, then you would be notified with our emergency alert system.

I hope you'll join us Wed. morning to meet the new Superintendent.  Hope you'll join us!
Kudos and heartfelt thanks to:
  • All of you who have sent your forms back completed!  
  • Heather for cooking such yummy meals - we are so lucky to have her here!
  • Mrs. Hatt for helping out with the Reading Runners!
Other Items of Interest:  

Coffee Hour - Our new superintendent, Mary Beth Banios, will be visiting our school on Wed., Sept. 27, for "Coffee Hour" from 9 - 9:45 AM.  Please feel free to drop by and visit with her during that time. 

Staff Bios - We are still highlighting various staff members each week so you can get to know who your child's education team is.  Please see below:

Mrs. Kaija - Please read her Bio here.


7:30 AM……………….All students arrive & participate in community circle!
Your child is welcome as early as 7:15 AM to have breakfast with their peers!

  • Volunteer to help do some little repair projects!  
  • Serve on the RES Board - there's still an opening!  
Please send in this month's prepaid lunch bill - Gr. K-6 $55 per child, or PK - $30. per child.  Please send in your free and reduced forms as well!
Lunch accounts should be paid in full each month.    Thank you! 
  • Mon., Sept. 25, 2017 - Fish Chowder, Grapes, Carrots & Snap Pears, Whole Grain RollsBreakfast: Scrambled Eggs & the Regulars
  • Tues., Sept. 27, 2017 -  Garlic Brown Sugar Chicken, Melon, Spinach & Potatoes, Whole Grain Medley; Breakfast:  Hard Boiled Eggs & the Regulars
  • Wed., Sept. 28, 2017Scrambled Eggs & Tofu Burrito, Oranges, Iceberg Lettuce w/Tomatoes:  Breakfast:  German Pancake & the Regulars
  • Thurs., Sept. 29, 2017 - Shredded Beef, Tangerines, Broccoli, Whole Grain Riced & LentilsBreakfast:  Hard Boiled Eggs & the Regulars
  • Fri., Sept. 30, 2017 - Cheesy Whole Grain PastA Noodles w/Ground Turkey, Apples, Rainbow Peppers & Peas; Breakfast:  Oatmeal & the Regulars
Happening this Week:
  • Mon., Sept. 25 - 
    • Art is the Special
    • Gr. 6 goes to "Web of Life" with other WCSU Students at Marsh Billings
  • Tues., Sept. 26
    • PE is the special - students should wear tennis shoes & comfortable clothes to be active in!
  • Wed., Sept. 27
    • Spanish is the Special
  • Thurs., Sept. 28 - 
    • Coffee Hour with the Superintendent 9 - 9:45 AM
    • Music is the Special
    • Band starts
  • Fri., Sept. 29 - 
    • Library/Media Tech is the Special
Mark Your Calendar/Upcoming Events:    
  • Wed., Oct. 4 - Picture Day
  • Thurs., Oct. 5 - K Field Trip to VINS
  • Mon., Oct. 9 - NO SCHOOL
  • Thurs., Oct. 12 - Back to School Open House - 5:30 - 6:30 PM
  • Sun., Oct. 15 - Leap Peeper's Breakfast
  • Wed., Oct. 18 - RES Board Meeting 6 PM - Gr. 5/6 Classroom
  • Fri., Oct. 27 -Pumpkin Raffle
  • Mon., Oct. 30 - Pumpkin carving
  • Mon, Oct. 30 - Thurs., Nov. 9 - Parent Conferences/afterschool
  • Tues., Oct. 31 - Fright Night
  • Wed., Nov. 1 - Photo Retake
  • Wed., Nov. 8 - Report cards come home
  • Fri., Nov. 10 - NO School
  • Tues., Nov. 14 - PK/K Trip to Lebanon Opera House
  • Wed., Nov. 22 - Fri., Nov. 24 - NO School - Thanksgiving
Thoughts to Ponder: 


Sunday, September 17, 2017


Dear Reading Elementary "Rockets" Families & Community Members:

Every visitor that comes to our school is so impressed by our students, staff, and our beautiful building.  This past week the 3rd and 4th graders traveled to the Tunbridge Fair for Education Day and several adults commented to me about the politeness and good manners of our students.  It truly does take a village, so thank you for all you do to encourage polite, respectful behavior of our children. 

Kudos and heartfelt thanks to:
  • The parents who attended the PTO meeting Wed. evening.
  • Our pre-K volunteer parents!
  • Everyone who pre-paid their lunch bill for September!
Other Items of Interest:

Forms to be Completed - On Monday, we will be sending home two additional forms that we would ask you to please complete.  One is a permission slip for local Spring Brook Farm.  We are so blessed to have this resource nearby that it makes it easier if we have the form completed and on file for activities there.  The second is an e-mail information form.  The SU redid the health forms which made us redo our emergency contact form, and we mistakenly left off the e-mail portion.  Thanks for your help sending these in!  IF you haven't completed your back to school forms, please send them in tomorrow.


7:30 AM……………….All students arrive & participate in community circle!

Your child is welcome as early as 7:15 AM to have breakfast with their peers!  

Coffee Hour - Our new superintendent, Mary Beth Banios, will be visiting our school on Wed., Sept. 27, for "Coffee Hour" from 9 - 9:30 AM.  Please feel free to drop by and visit with her during that time.

Attendance Policy  - Please read the attendance policy HERE.

Draft Student-Family Handbook - Here is the link to this year's draft handbook.  There are a few sections that will be added/edited.    

Staff Bios - So we will highlighting various staff members each week so you can get to know who your child's education team is.  Please see below:
    • Mrs. Faulker - Pre-K -  Please read her bio HERE.
READING RUNNERS X-C TEAM, K-6 opportunity! - Please e-mail Lisa Kaija at if your student (s) is interested or if you have questions. Thanks!
  • Volunteer to help do some little repair projects!  
  • Serve on the RES Board - there's still an opening!  
Please send in this month's prepaid lunch bill - Gr. K-6 $55 per child, or PK - $30. per child.  Please send in your free and reduced forms as well!
Lunch accounts should be paid in full each month.    Thank you! 
  • Mon., Sept. 18, 2017 - Corn Chowder, Cheese Sticks, Orangesl, Kiwis, Spinach Salad w/Shredded Carrots, Whole Grain Corn ChipsBreakfast:  Whole Grain Bagels & Cream Cheese & the Regulars
  • Tues., Sept. 19, 2017 -  Coconut Chicken, Pineapple, Pears, Whole Grain Rice; Breakfast:  Hard Boiled Eggs & the Regulars
  • Wed., Sept. 20, 2017- Gardener's Pie, Apples, Carrots:  Breakfast:  German Pancake & the Regulars
  • Thurs., Sept. 21, 2017 - Turkey Sausage Crumble, Applesauce, Iceberg Lettuce w/Tomates, Whole Grain CousCous; Breakfast:  Hard Boiled Eggs & the Regulars
  • Fri., Sept. 22, 2017 - Taco Bake w/Ground Turkey, Pears, Mixed Green Salad, Whole Grain Corn Chips; Oatmeal & the Regulars
Happening this Week:
  • Mon., Sept. 18 - 
    • Art is the Special
    • Our school Mindfulness program begins again today.
  • Tues., Sept. 19
    • PE is the special - students should wear tennis shoes & comfortable clothes to be active in!
  • Wed., Sept. 20 - 
    • Spanish is the Special
    • RES Board Meeting - 6:30 PM 
  • Thurs., Sept. 21 - 
    • Music is the Special
    • Band starts
  • Fri., Sept. 22 - 
    • Library/Media Tech is the Special
Mark Your Calendar/Upcoming Events:    
  • Mon., Sept. 25 - "Web of Life" Field Trip Gr. 6 begins
  • Wed., Oct. 4 - Picture Day
  • Mon., Oct. 9 - NO SCHOOL
  • Thurs., Oct. 12 - Back to School Open House - 5:30 - 6:30 PM
Thoughts to Ponder: 


Nothing like a good book!

Students interviewed the re-enactors.  

Jeremy participating in the fair!  

National Dot Day!

Sunday, September 10, 2017


Dear Reading Elementary "Rockets" Families & Community Members:

The last seven days have flown by!  So much learning is going on throughout the building.  We are all very blessed to have the staff that we do at Reading Elementary!  There is such passion and caring for each and every child! 

If a child gets here after 7:45, classes have begun, and that means minutes are lost from your child's learning.  It also makes it harder for your child to start the day smoothly!  Your child is welcome as early as 7:15 AM to have breakfast with their peers!  

Kudos and heartfelt thanks to:
  • The PTO who works so hard behind the scenes to support our school!
  • All of you who have sent in your paperwork!
  • All of you who have worked so hard to get here no later than 7:30 AM-thank you!  
Other Items of Interest:

7:15 AM……………....Busers and students eating breakfast arrive.
7:15 - 7:30 AM……….Breakfast
7:30 AM……………….All students arrive.

Lunch Bills - In order to keep our lunch costs down, we ask that families PRE-PAY, and in doing so, pay less.  IF you pay your Aug./Sept. fee by next Friday, Sept. 15, your child's lunches will be $2.50 each.  Otherwise, they are $3.00 each meal.  Please send in a check for $55. for Gr. K-6, and $30. if your child is Pre-K.  Snacks are provided through our Fresh Fruit and Veggie Grant.  Please send it in an envelope with your child's name in.  Thank you!

Discipline SystemWe introduced our "Positive Behavior" system in the last few weeks and want to make sure parents know about it!  Students have "expectations" depending on the location in the building.  We emphasize respect to ourselves, each other, and our community, including our buildings.  Students receive small, blue "Respect" tiles when they are noticed for making a respectful choice.  The student then puts it into a "rocket respectable" that is then emptied into a large "Rocket Respectacle" on Fridays where we celebrate our good choices.  As the "respectable" passes the letters "RESPECT" vertically, there are school-wide celebrations, i.e. extra recess, backwards clothes day, crazy hat day, pajama day, etc.  The rewards are NOT food or things, but are community "events."  The PBIS committee chair, Pam Boyer-Sheldon, has worked hard to lead us through this implementation with school-wide support.

However, if a child makes an unfortunate choice to be disrespectful or disruptive in class, there is a discipline system in place.  This is the RES discipline flowchart.  Based on State guidelines, behaviors are either "Minor-Tier 1" or "Major-Tier 2 or 3).  An incident is documented on a "yellow" slip for Tier 1 behaviors, or a "blue" slip for Tier 2/3 behaviors.  We discussed this process with all classes on Friday, and wanted to make sure that you understood it as well.  After the 2nd yellow slip is "earned" by a student, the teacher or staff member will be contacting you.  The third yellow slip is an automatic office referral, and I will be contacting you.  

The first seven days of school, we did not use any blue or yellow slips as we all have to "settle in" to the routines and expectations.  The slips start being used officially Monday.  If you want further information on this, please contact Mrs. Knight.  

Staff Bios - So we will highlighting various staff members each week so you can get to know who your child's education team is.  Please see below:
  • Gr. 5/6 - Mrs. Collins - Please read her class introduction HERE.  

READING RUNNERS X-C TEAM, K-6 opportunity!
  • Practices on Mondays and Wednesdays, 2:45-4:00 pm with fun and healthy snacks.
  • Running meets on Wednesdays, 9/20 and 10/4 at Kurn Hattin Homes, Westminster
  • Wednesdays 9/27 and 10/18 at The Grammar School, Putney
  • No experience necessary, just a willingness to give running a try.
  • Parent volunteers welcome to join us at practice and provide snacks.
  • Please e-mail Lisa Kaija at if your student (s) is interested or if you have questions. Thanks!
  • We need a little help with weeding & painting!  Please volunteer!
  • Volunteer to help do some little repair projects!  
  • Serve on the RES Board - there's still an opening!  
Please send in this month's prepaid lunch bill - Gr. K-6 $55 per child, or PK - $30. per child.  Please send in your free and reduced forms as well!
Lunch accounts should be paid in full each month.    Thank you! 
  • Mon., Sept. 11, 2017 - Shredded Beef on Whole Grain Rolls, Pineapple, Green Beans & Sweet Potatoes; Breakfast:  Oatmeal & The Regulars
  • Tues., Sept. 12, 2017 -  Chicken Fingers, Oranges, Mixed Green Salad, Baked Potato, Quinoa; Breakfast:  Hard Boiled Eggs & the Regular
  • Wed., Sept. 13, 2017- Peanut Butter & Apple Whole Wheat Wraps, Carrots & Avocados:  Breakfast:  Whole Grain French Toast & the Regulars
  • Thurs., Sept. 14, 2017 - Green Mtn. Sausage on a Whole Grain Bun, Watermelon, Spinach Salad, Baked Beans:  Breakfast:  Hard Boiled Eggs and the Regulars
  • Fri., Sept. 15, 2017 - Whole Grain English Muffin Pizza, Grapes, Caesar Salad;  Breakfast:  Fried Egg & the Regulars
Happening this Week:
  • Mon., Sept. 12 - 
    • Art is the Special
    • Our school Mindfulness program begins again today.
  • Tues., Sept. 13
    • PE is the special - students should wear tennis shoes & comfortable clothes to be active in!
  • Wed., Sept. 13 - 
    • Spanish is the Special
    • PTO Meeting 6 PM - Vanessa Maxham's house
  • Thurs., Sept. 14 - 
    • Music is the Special
    • Band starts
    • Gr. 3/4 Field Trip to Tunbridge Fair
  • Fri., Sept. 15
    • Library/Media Tech is the Special
    • Pre-paid lunch bills are due!  
Mark Your Calendar/Upcoming Events:    
  • Mon, Sept. 18
  • Wed., Sept. 20 - 6:30 PM - RES Board Meeting
  • Mon., Sept. 25 - "Web of Life" Field Trip Gr. 6 begins
  • Wed., Oct. 4 - Picture Day
  • Mon., Oct. 9 - NO SCHOOL
  • Thurs., Oct. 12 - Back to School Open House - 5:30 - 6:30 PM
Thoughts to Ponder: